The Templates tab allows businesses to personalize and deploy effective marketing communications with ease. This feature is essential for marketing campaigns, as it allows users to tailor messages to their target audience with visually appealing and engaging templates. Templates are easy to create and personalized with your company's logo and contact information. You can also add personalized text and images to create a unique look for each campaign.
Templates Tab
There are 3 columns within the template tab.
- The Left column- Lists the various template categories. There are two main categories: New Patients and Marketing and Campaigns.
- The Middle column - List the name of the Template.
- The Right Column - Displays the templates editor allowing the user to create custom templates or edit and customize an existing template.
Creating a new Template
- Click the Templates tab
- In the Left column, click a template category and message type (For Example: Marketing and Campaigns > Emails)
- In the Middle column, click the white "Add Template" button
- In the Third Column configure and create your custom template.
- Under the Name field, title your template. (Patients will not see this title)
- Under Template is for:
- Select Patient (the intended audience for this template)
Under Trigger:
Select how this automated message should be generated. Full automation will be set up within the Delivery Schedule Settings.
- You should assign your template Trigger to the group in which it would be sent.
- You can also set the trigger as Manual, and send the templates on demand.
Select how this automated message should be generated. Full automation will be set up within the Delivery Schedule Settings.
- *Email Templates Only: Under Message Subject enter the subject line of your email. (There must be a Subject entered in order for this template to send.)
- Under the Message Body, create a custom message. Optional: Click the preview button in the lower left corner to view what your patients will see.
- Click "Save as New" in the lower right corner to complete your template.
Editing an Existing Template
- Select a Template from the middle column to edit.
- In the right column (The Template Editor) click within the message body to edit verbaige within the template.
- Click on the blue save button to store the updates made the template. Optional: Click the Preview button to view changes.
Template Preview Example
Template Preview Full view example
Please note: please do not edit or delete any placeholder values. These are present to display specific redirect links, patient names, and practice details.
- Within the Template Editor, scroll down to the message body
- Click the word Placeholder
- Under Placeholder, click "Select a Placeholder" to type in or scroll through the dropdown of placeholders to select from
- Select a placeholder and click Ok
- Placeholder will appear highlighted in yellow within your template. Optional: Click the Preview button to view changes.
Adding a Placeholder
Scroll and select the name of the placeholder
OR Type in and select the name of the placeholder
Uploading an Image to a Template
- Scroll down to the Body Message template editor and click the insert image icon. A dialog window will appear.
- Click the image source icon. You will be prompted to select an image from your computer.
- Select an image from your computer and insert it.
- Edit the dimensions of your image and click the Ok button. Your image will be added to the template.
Please note: Image file sizes are limited to 20MB Email templates are 640px wide; we recommend entering a dimension that is below 640px in width. Previewing your template is a good way to ensure your image isn't too large or too small.
If any issues are encountered during the setup process, please contact Legwork Support for assistance.
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Phone: 800-861-5098