Online appointment Booking
- Accepting Appointment Requests
- Archiving an Approved or Denied Appointment Request
- Creating Appointment Types
- Creating Office Unavailability Events
- Denying Appointment Requests
- Displaying a Thank you Message after a Form Submission
- Editing Provider Appointment Types
- Editing Provider Availability
- Editing the Appointment Booking Form
- Emailing a Patient who has Requested an Appointment
- Online Appointment Booking Syncer/PMS Connectivity
- Online Appointment Booking Target Audience
- Previewing the Online Appointment Booking Form
- Redirecting patients to a new page after a Form Submission
- Setting up Notifications for New Appointment Booking Requests
- Setting up Notifications for New Appointment Booking Requests
- Sharing and Embedding the Appointment Booking Form
- Specifying Hours of Operation
- Viewing Appointment Booking Submissions
- What is Online Appointment Booking?