To save patients time and improve the forms experience, Denticon Practice Marketing allows patients to see information pre-filled for several forms when they are logged into the Patient Portal, saving them valuable time by not having to enter in as much information. The information will populate from information entered into Denticon's practice management software.
This feature can be turned on by going to the Form Builder screen and selecting the option to "Automatically update and synchronize data with the Practice Management System"
Key features:
The forms that will prefill are:
- Patient Information form
- Insurance Form
- Medical History forms
Additional information:
Which fields in Denticon will pre-fill on Denticon Practice Marketing forms?
Patient Form
Patient Information
- Name section
- Birthdate
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- Alt Phone Number
- Address section
- Gender
Responsible Party / Billing Information
- Relationship to Patient (Rel. to Resp field in Denticon’s Patient Overview → if Spouse, set to married, leave empty otherwise)
- Name section
- Birthdate
- Email Address
- Address section
- Phone Number
- Alt Phone Number
Insurance Information
- Name section
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- Insured’s Name section
- Insured’s Birthdate
- Insurance Company (with the exception of the ID, which would normally be mapped to Company_id in the insurance attribute)
- Insurance Phone Number
- Group Number
- Insurance Address section
- No ssn, policy number or employer info is made available
Everything that matches Denticon should populate here as well, with the exception of fields requiring a Denticon picklist in the Dental History form, namely:
- How do you feel about dental treatment?
- If so, when was your last dental visit?
- How would you rate your previous dental experience?
- How often do you brush?
- How often do you floss?
- How often do you use other aids?
- State / Province