You can manage all of your blog posts on the Posts page of the Legwork Blogger software. There a few different ways you can go about removing a post from your blog detailed below.
Finding a post
- Posts are ordered by their posting date, from newest to oldest.
- 25 posts will appear per page and can be clicked through using the page navigation at the bottom of the post list.
- Scheduled posts appear at the top.
- Search for a blog post using the search bar at the top of the post list.
Disconnect a post from its template
In order to make any changes to a post distributed by Legwork, the post must first be imported into the blog. Importing the post will create a copy of the post and separate it from Legwork's global template.
To import a post for editing:
- Click the icon on the right side of the post.
This creates a unique copy of the post on your blog and it can now be edited or deleted.
Hide a post using Draft
To hide a post from visitors until changes are made, we'd recommend switching the post to Draft status.
To switch a published post, to Draft status:
- Click on the post title in the post list.
- In the top right corner of the post window, under Status, click the drop-down field that says Published.
- Click Draft in the drop-down menu.
- Click the red Save Post button directly beneath the Status.
When ready to republish the article, follow the same process and switch the post back to Published status and site visitors will be able to view and read the post again.
Note: We don't recommend changing posts to Draft status if they were recently approved as part of a monthly campaign. Wait at least two months from a post's published date on any Legwork Campaign post before changing it to Draft status or deleting it. This is to avoid email blasts reaching patients containing broken links.
Delete a post
This will remove a post completely from the blog.
To delete a blog post:
- Click the icon on the right side of the post.
- Click the OK button on the resulting popup.
Note: This will entirely delete the post and it will become unrecoverable. Legwork can redistribute a post template after it's been deleted but it will not contain any customizations that may have been applied.