In this guide, you'll learn how to edit posts on your Legwork blog. You can customize post titles, post content, featured images, published at dates, SEO Meta Descriptions, SEO Page Titles, and more.
Finding a post
To get started you will first need to locate the post you want to edit.
- Posts are ordered by their posting date, from newest to oldest.
- Search for a blog post title using the search bar at the top of the post list.
- Scheduled posts appear at the top.
- 25 posts will appear per page and can be clicked through using the page navigation at the bottom of the post list.
Disconnect a post from its template
In order to make any changes to a post distributed by Legwork, the post must first be imported into the blog. Importing the post will create a copy of the post and separate it from Legwork's global template.
To import a post for editing:
- On the Blog Posts page, click the icon on the right side of the post you wish to import.
This creates a unique copy of the post on your blog and it can now be edited or deleted.
Open a post for editing
To edit the contents of a post, it must have been imported into your blog or be a post you created. To open either of these posts for editing:
- On the Blog Posts page, click the Post Title of the post you want to edit.
This will bring you to the post editor page inside the Legwork blog tool.
Change a post title
You can change a post title as much as you like to provide relevant details for site visitors.
The Post Title field appears at the top of the Edit Post page in large bold letters. Delete, replace or edit any part of it you would like. There is no limit on post title length but we don't recommend exceeding 80 characters in order to maintain the structure of your blog page on your website.
Change post content
Post content can be completely customized in a standard text editor allowing for images to be uploaded and for text to be realigned, bolded or converted to a heading.
Note: The formatting you apply to your content, including headings, paragraphs, bolding, etc., will match the settings of your website. You will want to review changes to any blog post content on your website. The blog post content editor will not display an accurate representation of your post's final design.
Adding Images
If you would like to add an image to your post content:
- Click the button in the editing bar on the top of the Content box.
- On the resulting window, click the button next to the Source field.
- On the next window click Upload.
- Browse your computer and click the image file you would like to add.
- Click Open in the bottom right of the window.
- The new image will be checked, click the blue Insert button.
- Click Ok to finish adding the image to the post or click the Advanced tab to customize image padding or to give it a border.
Once your image is in the post it can be further customized and moved about the page by clicking alignment buttons at the top of the page. You can drag and drop the image into a new location. The image will also have scaling handles on its edges to be resized to better fit the page.
Note: Images are automatically scaled down in size and quality for web use in order to keep your blog as friendly as possible for those using slower connections or devices.