Creating an email blast
(note: follow the same steps to create a marketing campaign)
- In the top Navigation Bar, click Templates.
- In the Side Navigation, click Category and Manually Sent.
- In the center column, click the Add Template button
- Write a name for your template.
Note: This is the name of your template in Legwork. It is not seen by your patients.
- Trigger: When you select this, it will always appear as manual. Select manual.
- Select who your template is intended for. The notification user is for setting a notification to only go to you.
- Write a subject for your message.
- Write your message content.
Tip: If you would like to add a photo, you must use an image link; if you are unsure about how to do this, send in an attachment of the image to and we would be happy to get this to you to input in the body ASAP.
- Click the Placeholder button if you want to add a placeholder. This will allow you to enter customized messaging within your template. For example, selecting Salutation will add "Dear Valued Patients" if the recipient email is shared by multiple individuals (families) or "Dear [Recipients First Name] if the recipient email is not shared.
- When you are finished creating your template, click the Save As New button. Don't forget to make sure the Subject is complete and without errors.
To Insert an Image
- Click the picture icon under the Message Body: Insert/Edit Image
- Click "Upload" and search for the image you previously saved for this template
- Size the image making sure the width is no larger than 620. The height will automatically adjust.
- When you are finished editing your template, click the Save Button. Don't forget to make sure the Subject is complete and without errors.
Sending your email to your patients
- In the top Navigation Bar, click Patients.
- In the Customer Group Detail Column, click the paper airplane icon.
Once selected, the Recipients will auto select Customer Group. This is your entire contact base with emails on file. - Select your template and set the delivery date. You can either Send Now or select a later date.
Tip: We recommend clicking the Preview Button to double check your email.
- Click the Send Email button. Scroll to the top of the window and make sure you see a confirmation that your template has been sent or scheduled. This may take a few moments, depending on how large your contact base is.