Did you know the number of reviews a business gets doesn’t elevate it’s ranking when filtered through Google's algorithm? This means having 300 reviews won’t improve a business’ search engine ranking position. So, when looking at what makes a review valuable to your practice, SEO should not be your main consideration.
Reviews will, however, elevate your exposure. In order to elevate this exposure, you want reviews with high-quality feedback that help promote your practice. Think of the dentist next to you, he or she might have a higher volume of reviews than you but what do these reviews say about their practice? Are they 50 mediocre reviews that provide little to no insight into the patient’s experience(s)? Or are they 30 high-quality, brand promoting reviews?
What do you look for when you search for a service or product? You search for feedback that gives you true, thorough insight into the service or product you’re considering. These are what Quality reviews are made of. Because quality reviews directly influence referral generation, you must encourage your biggest promotors to review you. This is how and why Legwork’s NPS system helps clients get the most out of Legwork’s review system.
What you may hear: “I’m not getting as many reviews anymore, why?”
Remember, quantity means less than quality. NPS surveys are setup to separate your promoters from your detractors. You never want to send a review request to someone who refuses to promote your business. This will, in turn, result in fewer, mediocre, or even negative reviews.
With PXI active, we can separate the Promoters from the detractors and increase the acquisition of higher quality reviews that generate more business.