- From the Navigation Bar, click PXI.
- In the Sub Navigation bar, click Reviews.
- Under the Requests Sent box, click the Send Review Requests button. A modal window will appear, prompting you to select recipients.
Select if you want to filter by NPS Survey Respondent Scores and enter the score you want to filter by.
Note: This filters the Select Recipients list.
- Select if you want to filter recipients by survey respondents who have already received a review request. This option allows you to send review requests to NPS survey respondents who have submitted a survey on or after the date you provide.
Select your recipients and click the Next button. You will be directed to edit your message content.
Note: If you want to go back and edit your recipients, you can do so from the next page by clicking on the Back to Recipients link.
- Select whether you want to send your review request via SMS, Email, or both.
If desired, edit your message subject and message body.
Note: The Message Subject and Message Body are already set up for you, using your Review Request Template.
- Set whether you want your message to Send Now or Send Later.
Click the Send Email button.
You can review the status of your review requests in the Requests tab.